Friday 19 August 2011

Week 7(b) : Student Database

In this last Week of task division, we are required to plan the data structure for Student management information for each table. We are required to only use the student name in Student Table, and  not others.
The data structure's specification is as follows, we are required to create table in design view and it need to be separated into four different tables. The name of the tables should be student table, parent table, curriculum table and co-curriculum table all using student ID as a Primary key. The next step is to create relationships between tables by linking the student ID. This is why not to create student name for other tables except Student Table.

We need to use the Wizard to Create Form of:
o Student Form
o Parent Form
o Curriculum Form
o Co-curriculum Form

The steps after all above is to enter data using Form and we are not encouraged to use table for data entry. 
The last step will be to create several queries from the database and create reports based on the queries.

I find that the database system is very interesting and will come handy if there are activities to be done with students personal details and achievements. The database system makes a very good companion for teachers who need to enter details on their students. It could help save time and be statistically be more organised.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Week 7(a) : Spreadsheet

In week 7(a), we are entitled to the task named Assignment 8(a) and 8(b). The first task would be for us to plan, create and edit a simple one year personal financial management which includes my income and spending throughout the year. The spreadsheet is done using Open Office Calc. Among the steps that need to followed to create a perfect spreadsheet is by naming the sheet according to the month. (Aug11, Sept11 …. Jul12). Our next job upon completion of the first step is to create a formula to calculate a balance for each month which brings a simple calculation as an example (the balance of August will be added to the balance of September to accumulate total balance/saving at the end of the year). The formula should be linked between the sheets.

Assignment 8(b) also instructs us to plan, create and edit a spreadsheet of students score and grade analysis. we should use of all the function to define name for table of grade and score, VLOOKUP is used to refer to the grade of the score, STDEV and AVERAGE or the score while COUNTIF to calculate how many students for each grade. Finally, we need to create suitable and meaningful graph and sort to rank the highest to the lowest score for each subject after filtering to select based on certain queries.

Microsoft office Excel
o Define name
o Fill Series
o Graph
o Sort
o Filter

Friday 12 August 2011

Week 6: Powerpoint and Open Office Impress

OpenOffice Impress & Microsoft PowerPoint

This particular task is for us to enhance our creativity in using both the software above, i feel that it is better to create my own template that is suitable to my presentation/courseware. To do this I am required to start with a blank presentation which means I should not be using the available template in the software. Next, i would have to create my own theme by editing Slide master.

On the lesson and the task given on Week 6, we are required to do two presentations using Microsoft Power Point and Open Office Impress. Assignment 7a requires us to do a mini presentation using Impress based on the assignment that we have done earlier, Assignment 5. The presentation should be uploaded using Google document and shared with my course mates.

Assignment 7b requires more complex steps to be taken to be completed. First, we have to develop a multimedia course ware by  learning about the content that i had choose for assignment 1 using Power Point

The course ware should contain all multimedia elements which includes video which have to be edited in Windows Movie Maker, a layered graphic or image which is edited in GIMP and also custom animations that are too edited in GIMP. The audio that need to be uploaded and contained should again be done using a software Audacity. It should be recorded and edited using it.

Friday 5 August 2011

Week 5 : Desktop Publishing Software & Word Processor Software

After a brief journal in week 4, we were given a whole different task from the previous one. Although the topic mentioned were the same as done before, but the applications and software meant to use in this task is very new. We were assigned to plan, design and create a brochure / leaflet using Microsoft Publisher . The content of this brochure is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. This would be LEARNING ABOUT ICT as it was our topic of concern in previous assignments.  We had another task to be completed at the same time in this weekend which would be to plan, design and create a booklet using bookfold function in Word. The content is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. The report in journal article format can be value added by inserting related graphic. We need to use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned above. Make a cover using of the booklet – using 2 Column

Friday 29 July 2011

Week 4 : SPSS and Qualitative analysis

The survey conducted in week 3 will be conducted in this week too. The result that we obtain, we have to record the data into a software, SPSS. The direction is to get accurate data after we read the data considering its facts and its rationale in answering.

To use SPSS, a much complex software to get a complete reading of out survey's result  we need to open SPSS and start naming the variable using Variable View. The main variable to get a complete table of correct figures should be typed in. It includes name,type width,decimal,label and value.

Next, a data entry for the printed questionnaire  using Data View is much needed. In the data view, the data need to be merged and imported from online questionnaire spreadsheet  to make sure that the variable is the same. After the data has been imported we will have to run the analyse to turn it into a descriptive data in the form of frequencies. The output of the survey will be displayed in SPSS Viewer. The complete data enables us to read and understand the margins and the specification of the general survey conducted. The table and graph can be copied from SPSS Viewer to OpenOffice Writer for reporting. The reporting should be based on the frequency table that have been processed on SPSS. The data should not include the data from surveymonkey as it is just a pilot test.

Monday 25 July 2011

Week 3 (b) : Questionnaire using Survey monkey

Pilot Test and Google document Questionnaires

In this task we are required to create a simple questionnaire with 10 questions only for a survey research on the same topic chosen in assignment 1 and 4. The application used for this particular survey is Surveymonkey, enabling us to carry out research by linking the questionnaires to our course mates and  respondents. We are encouraged to use "multiple choice - one answer" to get accurate results for the survey conveyed.

The steps will be as below:
Create a questionnaire (Pilot test)
1. Register – free sign-up at
2. Add questions (use multiple choise – one answer only)
3. Collect and analysis data online (pilot test – give the link to your coursemates)
4. Ask your classmate to comment or each question/item.

Next, we are entitled to create questionnaires based on the feedback and results that we received from the pilot test. These questionnaires will be done in google document and to be printed to conduct the survey. The improved questionnaires should be uploaded into our yahoo group account. It will be a part of the assignment that we will be doing in the following week.

The questionnaires done in google document(form) has been linked to our classmates through email and social networking sites. The result of the questionnaires(survey) will be used in SPSS as it requires data.

Friday 22 July 2011

Week 3 (a) Open Office Writer Document

 Report about Learning about ICT 

In this task we are required to discuss with our pair about the same topic done in week 2 to write a literary review as a draft or as an essay using the Open Office Writer. The next step will be to create a pdf file document that has to be uploaded to our yahoo group database. Through this steps, we can learn the way of using the Open Office Writer and explore the usage of yahoo group including steps of uploading and saving files into individual's database.

The report produced after our discussion (me and Fadhli), we decided to state 2 problems of Learning ICT in Malaysia together with the ways to tackle the problems. We had taken reference from the given choices in the task sheet.

We stress on the problems that students face due to the inability of teachers to guide and to cope with the ICT subject that is required to meet the students level of expectation. The insufficient amount of equipments can be a big problem to students and to everyone in the education institution as students may need to wait and sometimes to skip classes of ICT to adjust to the problem.

 Our group focused on educational institution in Malaysia as the task demands us to write the literary review based on problems faced in Malaysia. The primary level of ICT learning starts in educational institution, so by enhancing and focusing on this sector, we believe we can find a solution to the problem faced. 

We feel that students facing difficulties in learning about ICT is generally generated by the problems faced by the goverment. The goverment could infuse a considerable amount of money that can help school upgrade their current ICT system and add the required number of equipment that can support the number of students wanting to learn ICT.

A ICT lab coordinator should be employed and assigned to assist the teacher or the educator in a learning session to help him/her during the lesson. This employment of (ICT lab coordinator) can increase the information level that the students can obtain. the preparation and the basic steps can be conducted by this coordinator leaving the teacher to focus on teaching more advanced learning of ICT.

We will conduct a survey on this problem to identify the level of interest and the best solution to this problem. 

Friday 15 July 2011

Third Week of Class

Course / Learning Management System (CMS / LMS)

In this particular week, we are assigned to discuss and study about C/LMS with our partner as a pair work.
Having done studying and researching about C/LMS, we are required to create a google document about what, why, where, who and how: of Course / Learning Management System using any search engine to find out the information and source. We were also directed to list the advantages of using C/LMS along with the list of open source software for C/LMS. the complete report of our findings that we have collected individually should be combined with discussions and attached to our own yahoo group accounts separately. 

After completing the first task, we have to update our blog to reflect on our studies on C/LMS. Based on my research of the topic, we find that C/LMS is a software that enhance and supports the term 'e-learning'. It provides teachers, educators and also people from other field of interest a wide range of database to connect and assess the ability and the quality of students or customers from a distance.

Monday 11 July 2011

Second Week Class

Learning about ICT

The task for our group consisting (me and Fadhli) is to choose a topic from the list of topics given to us to be discussed in the social networking site. this was to enable us to enhance the distance learning between our classmates and also to find out more about the topics regarding latest information and technology field. 

There are several topic for us to discuss:
1.  21st Century Skills 
2.  Learning Abouf ICT 
3.  Thinking skills and ICT 
4.  Internet and Computer Security (Virus, Spam, Phishing) 
5.  Operating System  
6.  Original and licensing software 
7.  Open source Software 
8.  Web 2.0 in education 
9.  E-Learning 
10. Mobile learning 

Me and Fadhli finally decided to take on a challenging topic in the form of Learning about ICT.
We are given freedom to search the information and details on the second topic in the list using any of the search engine including (Yahoo,Google,Msn,Bing)

As far as me and my partner have discussed on the topic, we learn that learning about ICT is a familiarising method to get students exposed for a reason, life long learning. ICT, in this modern era, can be essential in studies, enhancing students and also adults to gain information/ knowledge throughout their lifetime. This is enabled by the use of modern tools of ICT. The tools of ICT such as emails, instant messaging (IM), chat rooms and social networking websites give a lot of advantages towards us. Constant use of these tools will make the society a technology fused society either by using it formally or informally.


  • Learning about Information and communication technologies is a way of familiarising students with the use and workings of computers. ICT demands multiple intelligence as it has been upgraded into many simulation games(example) to attract interactive learning through all senses.

  • "ICT" is used as a general term for all kinds of technologies which enable users to create, access and manipulate information. This explains that information technology and communications technology are combined to form ICT. it can be also categorised as a subject that needs to be studied or a tool that can be used to help or enhance certain work (support for traditional subject). ICT has contributed towards the elimination of language barriers. Examples of (ICT) tools are emails, instant messaging (IM), Chat rooms and social networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter.

  • The tools of ICT such as emails, instant messaging (IM), chat rooms and social networking websites give a lot of advantages towards us. This tools enable us to connect with other friends, lecturers, and family more easier. For instance, we take Facebook as an example. In facebook, you can always post your messages anytime you want and it is limitless. All you need is internet connection or maybe by using your newly updated phone gadget. Thus, learning ICT and knowing how to use the tools gives a lot of advantages to us as students especially.

  • Furthermore, ICT is a tool for lifelong learning. As years goes by, our ICT is always developing towards a better future. As for that, you have to keep up to date with the development of the ICT so that you won't miss the newest ICT tools.

  • The link below directs to the discussion done in our group:

    Thursday 7 July 2011

    First Week Class

    The first week of class have been fairly entertaining as well as being interesting attending the class of Mr.Tg Norazlan bin Tg Sulaiman for the Computer in Education lesson (GGGE1155). 

    A brief introduction about the activities that should be done was conducted. Week 1 requires us to carry out familiar yet a complex usage of the internet application and social networking sites. we we tasked to create two email accounts (yahoo and google) for a registration in the social network site Facebook (using one of the email crated).

     The accounts should be named after our name as it needed an originality (meaningful). A yahoo group is created using the official id with the name of the group being our matric number, our name and IPG. the next step is to create a blog using the google account created. the content in the blog should be the reflection of the input obtained during our lesson session with our lecturer.

    The first session was fairly informative as our lecturer explained the proper way of creating email accounts for official use and also the applications in the social network site that can work as tool for education. we learned groups created through the email account (yahoo) can help everyone of us to extract information through discussions. the purposes of dealing with the systems which is quite familiar to us, students is to teach the proper way to use these applications when in official dealings.